Tuesday, December 3rd:  Please support the Ridgefield Library with a donation to the Annual Appeal!  Every gift matters and helps the Library provide the resources, programs and services our community depends on. Thank you!

BIG NEWS:  First time donor gifts made between Friday December 29th and 11:59 pm on Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, will be MATCHED up to a total matching gift of $2,500 – thanks to the Friends of the Ridgefield Library!

Donate here: https://ridgefieldlibrary.ejoinme.org/MyPages/AppealDonations/tabid/119243/Default.aspx

Friday, November 29th through Sunday, December 1st:  Remember to shop locally at Books on the Common over Thanksgiving weekend!   The first 25 shoppers who show their Ridgefield Library card at check-out will receive the wonderful Nutshell Library collection by Maurice Sendak.  If you know this beloved collection, you know what special gift it makes!

Books on the Common donates 15% of book purchases to the Ridgefield Library during Library Days, when you show your Ridgefield Library card at the register.

Thank you, Books on the Common!

Tuesday, November 19th @ 7:00 pm:   What we eat and how we produce food matters — for the health of our bodies and the health of the planet.  In her eco-friendly cookbook, Love the Foods That Love the Planet, Cathy Katin-Grazzini shares over 100 tantalizing low-carbon dishes for climate-conscious home cooks who don’t want to skimp on taste.

This year may exceed 2023 as the hottest year on record, and more than 30 percent of global greenhouse gases that are driving the warming climate come from growing and raising food sources. Favoring foods that carry a very light climate footprint is an impactful way to help stem the tide.

“Want to slash your individual climate footprint? It’s easy, it’s delicious, it’s super healthy, and it starts with your fork,” said Katin-Grazzini. “We all have the power to make choices that help cool the planet, and the time to act is now.”

Books on the Common will have copies for purchase and signing.

Click here for more information and to register.

Sunday, November 17th @ 2:00 pm:   Ridgefield Independent Film Festival (RIFF) founder and director Joanne Hudson will discuss her experience collaborating with an entire town to create, build and sustain a community film festival that has become a leader in the CT Film Festival Circuit. Joanne will also launch the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival Film Society (RIFF FS), along with RIFF programming director and film society president Gary Giovannetti, and RIFF community curator and film society outreach coordinator Adele Annesi. Event attendees will have an opportunity to join the new society and learn how films are selected for RIFF, which celebrates its milestone 10th anniversary in spring 2025.

Joanne Hudson is a playwright and director whose plays have been commissioned, developed and produced nationally and internationally. As a Fulbright Scholar in creative writing, Hudson traveled to Iceland to write a play about a scientist who loses her ethics and finds her humanity. The play is titled “unbidden,” and is now included in the literature of the Westmann Islands. Hudson holds an MFA in Playwriting from Columbia University School of the Arts. She founded the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival in 2015 with the hope of making the world a more compassionate place by sharing stories through cinema.

The ARTalks series is presented in partnership with the Ridgefield Guild of Artists.

Click here to learn more and register.

Tuesday, November 12th @ 7:00 pm:  Ridgefield author Chris Belden will read from his latest novel The Vote, the story of a controversial referendum that tears apart a small lake community and serves as a microcosm of the divisiveness that plagues the entire country. Chris Belden is the author of several novels and story collections, including The Private Dick, Who Am I to Judge?, and Shriver, which was made into the film “A Little White Lie.”

Copies will be available for sale and signing.

Click here to learn more and register.

Sunday, November 3rd @ 2:00 pm:  The Four Horseman are acclaimed individual singer-songwriters who have banded together to create lively shows known for their joyful spontaneity and well-crafted songs ranging from hilarious to heartbreaking.  The Ridgefield Folk Concert Series is made possible through the generous support of the Friends of the Ridgefield Library.

Click here to learn more and register.

Thursday, October 24 @ 7:00 pm:  The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on Christmas Day 2021 and began gathering data in July 2022. In this very special presentation, Dr. Heidi B. Hammel, one of NASA’s six Interdisciplinary Scientists for JWST, will describe the telescope and what it was designed to do. She will highlight some of the most exciting scientific results from JWST’s first two years, ranging from discoveries about our nearest neighbors in the Solar System to the spectacular deep space images of the most distant galaxies, and everything in between. Dr. Hammel will finish with a look ahead not only for JWST, but for the future of astronomy.

This program is part of the Library’s Fall 2024 Scholarly Series, The Curious Mind: Exploration and Discovery, made possible by the generosity of the Friends of the Ridgefield Library.

Click here to learn more and to register.

Interested in working at the Ridgefield Library? We’re looking for an energetic, creative, detail-oriented individual with strong communication and multimedia technology skills to begin year-round part-time employment as our Adult Programming Assistant.  Click here to learn more.

October 11th -14th:   Don’t miss the Friends of the Ridgefield Library‘s multi-day Big Book Sale!  Great choices for readers of all ages and interests.

FRIDAY October 11th   10 am – 6 pm (10 am – noon $20 entry.  Free to members of the Friends)

SATURDAY October 12th  9 am – 6 pm

SUNDAY October 13th   12 pm – 5 pm

MONDAY October 14th  8 am – 6 pm  ($5/grocery bag – Bring Your Own Bag)

Sunday, October 6th @ 2:00 pm:  Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Pat Wictor makes his home in many worlds. An American citizen born in Venezuela, an expatriate through his teens, and a traveler all his life, he is used to mixing unusual combinations of ideas and experiences into a seamless whole. Grounded in rural blues and gospel traditions, Wictor’s lean, poetic songs and expressive guitar playing are seasoned with jazz, pop, improvisational surprise, philosophy and social commentary.

The Ridgefield Folk Concert Series is made possible through the generous support of the Friends of the Ridgefield Library.

Click here for more information and to register.