Welcome to the Ridgefield Library!

For well over 100 years the Library has served as a community destination and vital resource.  Our friendly, knowledgeable staff, strong collections, diverse programming, and welcoming space are the result of commitment to our Vision for the benefit of our community.  Our dedicated Board of Directors, Friends of the Ridgefield Library, and many generous community donors help to make what we do possible.  Thank you!

The Ridgefield Library recently updated our Strategic Plan

Working with the Library’s Board of Directors and the counsel of more than three dozen community leaders from all corners of town, we updated the Library’s Vision, Mission, Values and Objectives. You will see this plan turning into action as we develop programs, services, collections and more to better meet the needs of our community.  Please click here to see the Plan!

Ridgefield Library Values

At the Ridgefield Library, our stated Values guide our service, our operations and our stewardship of this treasured community resource.

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Robert the Guitar Guy

Saturday, September 7th @ 10:30 am:   Dance and sing along with Robert the Guitar Guy in this musical program featuring traditional favorites and contemporary songs. This program is best for children 5 and under.  Registration is encouraged, but drop-ins are welcome as space permits.  Click here to learn more.

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Join Our Team!

We’re looking for an energetic, friendly and detail-oriented individual with a commitment to exemplary customer service to begin year-round, part-time employment as a Circulation Assistant in our outstanding Circulation Department.  Detailed information is available here.

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Special Services at the Library

Did you know?  The Ridgefield Library offers these special services for our patrons: Book-A-Librarian The Adult Services Department now offers one-on-one appointments where staff can offer specialized assistance on a variety of topics. Some of these topics include, but are not limited to: technology assistance on cellphones, laptops and tablets; tutorials on how to use […]

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Check Out a Museum Pass

The Library’s Museum Pass Program offers free or discounted admission to over 20 premiere educational and cultural institutions in Connecticut and New York. Passes are located at the Circulation Desk. They may be borrowed for two nights and are available on a first come, first served basis only (no reservations).  The Museum Pass Program is […]

Digital Services

Find Your Next Great Read

Fill in our Personal Book Bundles form with the types of materials you are looking for and we can curate a selection just for you. If you are looking for a title that we don’t have, you can request an item.