Take Your Child to the Library Day!

Saturday, February 3rd:   On the first Saturday in February, thousands of libraries across the world celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day by offering special activities for families. The Ridgefield Library is an ideal place for children to learn, play, discover, make friends and have fun. And Take Your Child to the Library Day is the perfect time to discover some library magic – we’ll have a Library Scavenger Hunt, Teddy Bear Yoga, Michele Urban in concert and Read to ROAR — the Ridgefield Library always offers something unique and delightful!  And be sure to stop in again soon – because every day is a great day to take your child to the library.

Library Scavenger Hunt – All Ages — All Day

Teddy Bear Yoga – Grades K-2 – 10:30 am to 11:00 am

Read to ROAR – Grades 1-4 – 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Michele Urban Music – All Ages – 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm