A Visit with Verse: Poetry Reading by Ira Joe Fisher

Sunday, April 14th @ 2:00pm — A Visit with Verse: Poetry Reading  by Ira Joe Fisher.  In celebration of National Poetry Month, join us for a reading of Ridgefield Poet Laureate Ira Joe Fisher’s poems (from his published books and newly composed works) and those from some of poetry’s giants. Bring your love of language! Learn more & register.

More Poetry Programs!

April 19th @ 7:00pm — Online: An Evening with the Youth & Adult Poets Laureate of CT. Don’t miss this special virtual reading and talkback with CT State Poet Laureate Antoinette Brim-Bell and CT 2023-24 Youth Poet Laureate Mercuri Lam. The two honored poets will read from recent works, share hopes for their roles as laureates, and answer questions from the audience – and each other. Learn more & register.

May 10th @ 2:00pm — The Multiverse of Poems: Exploring & Explaining Exquisite Words From Exquisite Writers. Ridgefield Poet Laureate Ira Joe Fisher leads this monthly study group, offering a deep dive into the beauty of poetry and verse. Learn more & register