Follow the Brush: Phil Demise Smith Exhibition
August 20th–September 29th: Works by Phil Demise Smith are on view now in the Library Gallery on the Lower Level of the building during open hours. An artist, poet and musician, Smith applies the concept of Zuihitsu (“follow the brush”) to all of his creative pursuits. This expressive way of painting has no central point, but rather has many parts that interact with each other. Smith’s colorful, jewel-toned paintings mirror what Smith says is his “train of thought” which presents form and color “all at once,” “going in all directions,” and “presenting the past, present, and the future simultaneously – all at the same time”. The artworks being exhibited are from 1987 through 2022.
On Saturday, September 10th at 2:00pm, Smith will talk briefly about his approach to his artwork, read some of his poetry, and perform a few of his songs. This event will be held in the Library’s Main Program Room. Please register to attend.
Immediately following this presentation there will be an artist’s reception starting at 3:00pm. Refreshments will be served. Both events are free and open to the public.