Michael Chekhov Symposium Opening

Saturday, August 12th @ 3:30pm: The Michael Chekhov Theatre Festival will hold an opening reception at the Ridgefield Library for members of a symposium to be held in August. Dr. Lenka Pichlikova-Burke will offer her talk on Michael Chekhov in Ridgefield to the symposium participants and any members of the public who are interested.
The Chekhov Theatre Studio was located until 1942 in Ridgefield, where future Academy Award, Tony and Emmy-winning actors finished their dramatic training and began their professional careers. After World War II, these were joined by dozens of other award-winning and internationally famous actors trained in California – names such as Yul Brynner, Beatrice Straight, Gary Cooper, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck and Anthony Quinn. Dr. Lenka Pichlíková Burke, professional actress, professor and expert in Chekhov dramatic method, will present an illustrated lecture focusing on Chekhov’s work in the U.S.