Ridgefield Library Seeks Candidates for Board of Directors

The Ridgefield Library Association is seeking applications from Ridgefield residents for membership on its Board of Directors. Self-nominations are encouraged. The three-year term begins on July 1.
The Library Board is a working board, with up to 16 members who are responsible for the organization’s fiduciary oversight, strategic planning and policy-setting. Board members take an active role in helping the Library raise the nearly 30% of its annual operating budget that comes through fundraising, donations and gifts.
The Board seeks diverse, broad and balanced representation of people, skill sets and experience from the community. Examples of particular skills in demand for new members include, but are not limited to, finance, development/philanthropy and technology. Board Members are expected to serve on two subcommittees and be willing to assume a leadership position as needed. Library or nonprofit board experience a plus. We encourage all interested parties to apply.
Completed applications must be received by March 21, 2025 for consideration. For more information on the roles and responsibilities of Library Board members, and to apply, please contact Library Director Brenda McKinley at [email protected]